DVC Drama is an award-winning theatrical training program located in the heart of Pleasant Hill. Our program is home to two theatres and delivers four productions per season to a dedicated audience base, giving you the potential of reaching over 3000 patrons with every show. Our low-cost advertising plans are the perfect solution to meet your business needs. Contact Lisa Drummond at 925-969-7000 ext 77097 or LDrummond@dvc.edu to book your ad today! Find out more ways you can help DVC Drama.
Black & White AD in 1 of our 5 show programs:
1/4 page: $50
1/2 page: $100
Full page: $175
Black & White AD in all 5 show programs:
(Option to change ad as the year progresses)
1/4 page: $200
1/2 page: $450
Full page: $650